Monday, March 14, 2011

Beautiful Oops!

"When You Think You Have Made A Mistake, Think Of It As An Opportunity To Make Something Beautiful"

This is the cutest little book.  I first saw this at my nephew's house and I fell in love with the book.  As soon as we came home I ordered it from Amazon.  Hannah is still too little to understand the story but we read to her all the time.  This book has lots of flaps to lift which she enjoys.  This story teaches children that it is okay to make mistakes.   "A spill does not ruin a drawing-not when it becomes the shape of a goofy animal.  An accidental tear in your paper?  Don't be upset about it when you can turn it into the roaring mouth of an alligator."   I think the book delivers a wonderful message, teaching children to always be creative whenever an "oops" occurs.   

The book is written by Barney Saltzberg.  The book can be purchased from amazon for $7.70.   

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