
Hello, my name is Morgan, and I became a mother on June 3, 2010.  I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl that we named Hannah.   I am married to an amazing husband and wonderful father.  I work part time as a physical therapist.

My goal for this blog is to share information about products with other moms that have been helpful to me.   I was given so much advice from my family and friends which made becoming a new mom easier.  I owe each of them a huge thank you!  If it were not for you guys, I would not know the things I do today.  I know not everyone has a large family network, or is the first sibling to have kids, so that is why I thought this would be such a great idea.  I am hoping through this blog, others will be able to share info with me about things I don’t know about.  In return I can share them with all those who are following the blog.

I hope this blog also serves as a great place for gift ideas if you need a gift for a baby shower, a family member or friend.   If you are not a mom yet, but have friends or family who are having children and need gift ideas, this site may be the place for you.