Monday, April 11, 2011

Giveaway from B:MOD DESIGNS


I found B:MOD DESIGNS on Etsy (if you have not been to Etsy you have to check it out, of great stuff).  B:MOD DESIGNS has a lot of great leg warmers to choose from on her site.  Sandra sent me the red and pink stripped leg warmers and I love them.  They are durable, wash well and stay up on Hannah's leg as she crawls all over the house.  The great thing about these is that they will last a long time.  Right now they cover Hannah's entire leg but as she gets older she will be able to wear them as a more traditional leg warmer.  

The leg warmers came packaged in a darling tissue paper envelope.  Great for gift giving.  The leg warmers are $9.00 a pair.  Check out her site for additional styles as well as other creative clothes for kids.  

To enter to win these leg warmers, Sandra from Bmod Designs would like for you to veiw her site on etsy at and to like her on her facebook page at  After you do both of these things come back to our page an leave a comment below this post that you did the above things and you will be enter into the drawing for the free leg warmers.  Deadline to enter is Sunday May 1, 2011 at 11:59.

Please note:  This giveaway is ONLY open to Fancy This! Fabulous Finds subscribers/followers.
If you aren't yet doing so, please feel free to subscribe, via blogger or another "reader"
and don't forget to LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS, so if you win, they can contact you!


Heather.Davila said...

I absolutely love these!! Super cute!!

Unknown said...

Love the leg warmers!!! Too cute :)

Hefner Adventure said...

Baby fashionista!!!!!!

Hefner Adventure said...

I 'liked' the page and am very excited to see if I win!!!